It is to say without any doubt that many of us long for sparkling white shiny teeth but it is quite hard to attain the perfect Hollywood smile. Yellow teeth can make your smile from the most delightful sight to better not to be seen phase. A bright smile does not only makes you look great and attractive but also provides you with better chances in your love life. Many people, in pursuit of getting white shiny teeth opt more chemical methods to whiten the teeth which can prove harmful for you. Here at Born Realist, we have gathered some easy DIY methods you can adopt in order to get the perfect Hollywood smile.
9. Homemade whitening toothpaste:
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Add one teaspoon of turmeric with the exact same amount of coconut oil and 2-3 drops of mint oil. Make a mixture of it and keep it in a jar or tube or whatever suits you the most and use it as your regular toothpaste. It has a lot of benefits like taking good care of your enamel, giving bright shine to your teeth and freshening your breath. See detailed instructions here.
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8. Using tea tree oil:
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Take 5 drops of pure tea tree oil in a half glass of water and use it as an ordinary mouthwash and rinse your mouth with it daily, after you have done brushing your teeth. The results will be visible to you in just two weeks. If you want to get better results then keep on adding a drop of oil once or twice a week but remember not to add too much of it.
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7. Make strawberry paste:
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You need to have fresh strawberries and make a paste out of them with a spoon or a crusher. Take the finest sea salt from any available market and grind them in a blender. Make a paste and store it in a jar and apply daily on a toothbrush while massaging in light motion on your teeth for few minutes. Rinse your mouth cleanly but apply it only once in two weeks. It will protect your enamel and whiten your teeth.
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6. Coconut oil
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All you need to do is to apply some coconut oil on your teeth before you start brushing. Leave oil for 15-20 minutes and chill for a while. Then start brushing your teeth with your regular toothpaste and repeat the process 2-3 times a week.
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5. Activated charcoal mask:
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Take some charcoal and make sure it is in grounded form and then mix it with some water to get a thick paste and creamy texture. Carefully apply into your teeth and let it be there for at least 2 minutes and then rinse your mouth with water. After completing this process brush your teeth and try to follow this procedure twice a week.
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4. Banana peel as teeth whitener:
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Banana peel has some capacity to clean surfaces of anything, also it contains some substances that have the ability to fight the plaque inside your mouth and protect the color of your teeth. Rub the banana peel’s inside on your teeth and wait for 5 minutes. Then brush your teeth and rinse your mouth with water and repeat this process as often as you want.
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3. Lemon mouthwash:
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This is the most effective method of all to give you white shiny smile. It will help you whiten your teeth and will keep your breath fresh. Add three parts of lemon juice and one part of fine salt and mix them all together and rinse your mouth with the mixture but after you are done brushing your teeth. Use it 2-3 times a week but there is a warning attached too. Do not use it if you have inflammations in your mouth.
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2. Use basil leaves:
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Make a paste or a puree while grinding the basil leaves and try using it as a substitute of your regular toothpaste to make your teeth white and your smile beautiful. This will not only brighten your teeth but will make them healthier too. Apply it for 5-10 minutes before you brush your teeth.
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1. Aloe vera gel:
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Use some fresh aloe vera juice by extracting it from the gel inside or you can also get the ready-made gel in jars from the market. Rub it onto your teeth with your toothbrush and rinse thoroughly. After a couple of weeks, you can notice bright smile on your face and will be successful to attain that Hollywood smile.
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Article by Born Realist