When Michael and Basia Newman got married, something within themselves as a couple simply just sparked a revolutionary new ‘style’ on how people should view the world around them. With their blunt approach to many of the life obstacles many of us go through, their “JerseyStyle” brand took off on social media, and turned this power team into the spotlight.
From appearing on countless media outlets, to Michael even starring recently on the hit FOX television program, “MasterChef: Legends” with Gordon Ramsay, the duo has garnered countless fans who have changed their own style and way of living too.
1) In your own opinion, how successful are you both today?
How successful are we today? Well that’s a question wide open for interpretation. The reason we say this is because it all depends on what you are measuring success by. Most of the time, people determine success with a number, yet when we speak or say our mantra, “LOVE + POSITIVITY = SUCCESS” we don’t measure it with numbers.
What we mean is that yes, of course you need money to live well, pay your bills, travel, and have nice things, but in the end helping people live happier, more content lives by loving others as they want to be loved, that is what real success is in life.
What we have accomplished through our lifestyle brand, JerseyStyle is exactly that. We have spread the Love + Positivity even to those who may not be receptive of it, or never even return it back to us. Staying consistent in our beliefs has brought us to where we are today and that is on the brink of something bigger than we ever would have imagined when we started this thing we call JerseyStyle.
Over the years we have accomplished so much that its hard to just “briefly” discuss. Obviously, first and foremost, Michael finishing in the Top 5 on FOX tv’s hit culinary competition show, MasterChef Season 11 Legends by Gordon Ramsay is way up on the list. Then, the road to success has been very turbulent and there has been more than a few people who have doubted what it is we are accomplishing. Some of these other accomplishments we have had include, the healing of others through our multiple lifestyle trainings and certifications all which include but are not limited to life coaching, fitness training, higher conscious thinking, along with tantric breathing and practices.
These types of accomplishments have set us up for the next step and that next step is when we are considered truly successful in the world we live in today, and that’s monetization. We are successful on the inside and content with the season we are in and know that the universe has huge plans for us. We continue to make yearly vision boards with larger and larger goals on them each time, driving us to where we are today.
2) What is so unique about your JerseyStyle social media platform and services?
The thing that makes our brand, JerseyStyle unique is the vast number of services we offer, which all tie together to living a full and complete life. So many people ask this question and the answer is rather simple actually, it’s because we do not just focus on one aspect of a client’s life, rather the whole sum. When we do this, we encompass all of our knowledge in each field to come together for the client to be completely fulfilled. With this approach we use cooking/nutrition or food to begin the transformation. It all begins with feeling better and that starts with yourself and what you put into your body.
Once a client has that down, we incorporate exercise along with self-love practices, breathing exercises that relax you and you begin to feel so much better. When you feel better, then you are more confident and confidence is sexy, so then you draw in the energy you are giving off. Lastly, when you begin to see all of these exercises begin to work, you just begin to understand that you are the controller of everything in your life, from health to emotions, including your sexuality.
This all adds up to the grand finale and that is the sexual acceptance of who you are, allowing yourself to be completely open to all types of new sexual adventures. Finally, it will be end in the best sexual adventure there is and that’s complete and total orgasmic bliss. Orgasmic bliss will leave you feeling free, lighter, less stressed and much more satisfied. Whether it be with your partner or even a random encounter with a partner you are just naturally and universally connected to, this is the ultimate goal for our cliental!
What also makes us very unique is we tackle all of these issues sharing our social media platforms. This gives the clients which we deal with a different perspective, one from a male and a female no matter what the gender association of your relationship maybe we can help.
3) Any tragedies (either professionally or personally) that you have both encountered in your lives?
The answer to this question if we have encountered any in our lives is simply no (knock on wood) neither of us have. As most people have had major traumas and tragedies in their lifetimes, we have been relatively lucky up to this point of our lives, always remaining extremely grateful and blessed for this fact.
Of course we all have had setbacks and disappointments as we travel this journey called life, but we are so very lucky to have been spared any real setbacks or extreme personal or professional tragedies.
4) What are your hopes for your platform going forward?
Going forward our hopes for our platform are to continue to grow on social media as well as personally. We believe that once you stop growing you stop living and you may as well just throw in the towel on life. We hope to keep inspiring others through our practices and continue helping people discover their own personal desire to live a complete and fulfilled life, as this is our real purpose and passion with our lifestyle brand, JerseyStyle.
Whether that be in the form of our teachings, or even us using an entertainment outlet, we just want to show people that you can live the life you desire just by going after what it is you truly want. But that starts with being honest with yourself and reaching out for help from a brand that provides services like ours, and you can easily do that by going to linktr.ee/JerseyStyle to learn even more about the numerous services we offer our clients.
5) Any quote or “words of wisdom” that you each live by?
The one quote that really motivates us first of course, is ours “LOVE + POSITIVITY = SUCCESS”, but there is one out there that we think about all the time, that is by CoCo Chanel and it states “If you want to be original, be ready to be Copied.”
This quote really hits home for us as we are blazing a new trail in the lifestyle world and have seen this actually happening, yet being the Loving + Positive people we say we are. Yet we are flattered and not offended when people mimic us without giving us the due credit that we deserve and that’s okay though, as we know the universe sees all and we will be fully recognized when its our time to shine and we believe that our time is now!
6) How are you making the world a better place today?
The way we are making the world a better place is by trying our best to live sustainably, loving people, using kindness, and always staying as positive as we possibly can. By doing this we believe that it will be contagious as people begin to realize they can accomplish the happiness that they desire simply by helping themselves or reaching out for help. Once they do this then they will find and share the love + positivity which we did, along with the desire and drive to help others in the same manner that we have. To finish it off, it is our hope and dreams that through these pay it forward practices that we can only to help set people up to change the world for the better all while improving their own quality of life.
Article by Born Realist