3 Great Ways to Stay Busy During Quarantine

It’s been a weird year. In the past six months since quarantine started, your house has probably become an office, school, restaurant and home gym. While it’s great to still have a house (#blessed) you are also probably going a bit stir crazy. Although parts of the country are starting to slowly open up, it can be overwhelming to think about how you will fill your time if you plan to continue to spend the majority of your time at home.

To avoid a major case of cabin fever as we prepare for the onset of cold season, consider these tips to stay busy:

Catch Up or Stay Current

In a perfect world, you don’t want to spend tons of time watching TV. Clearly, the current state of affairs is the polar opposite of perfect, so you pretty much get a free pass to catch up with as many shows as you want. You can use quarantine to finally watch any shows your friends and family have recommended, as well as work your way through any DVDs on your “to watch” list. If you love live award shows and events, use the time to stay current on pop culture. With the right provider, you can use your cable subscription to watch the Oscars or Emmys (or any other award show) on your TV or mobile device.

Practice Yoga

In addition to increasing your physical strength, yoga can also alleviate stress and anxiety and enable better sleep. Since many of us are feeling more stressed than usual and our nightly slumber may be less than ideal, an online yoga class could be a Godsend. There are numerous classes available on YouTube, or consider a niche program like DoYogaWithMe. This online yoga community is running a COVID-19 special that includes two free months of yoga classes, and it has options for beginners and those who are more advanced in their practice.

De-Clutter and Deep Clean a Room Each Week

To be productive in your home office or remote-learning classroom, it is important that your workspaces are tidy and de-cluttered. And, since you are probably cooking more than ever these days, having a clean and orderly kitchen and pantry are also important. Set up a schedule to de-clutter and deep clean your entire home, going one room at a time. Try to tackle one room per week. Start with the areas that people are using the most—this could be the home office or family room and then move into other rooms until your whole house is neat and clean. When you get to the kitchen, spend an afternoon taking out everything from the cupboards. Toss old and expired spices, cake mixes and soups and then make an effort to rotate new food as you shop and re-stock your shelves.

We Will Get Through This!

It may be hard to believe, but eventually the COVID-19 crisis will be behind us and we’ll be leaving our homes whenever we want. But for now, our homes will continue to be our sanctuaries. By giving yourself permission to enjoy more shows than usual, learning a relaxing and healthy exercise like yoga, and cleaning one room at a time, you will leave quarantine feeling as productive and peaceful as possible.

Article by Born Realist