Here Are 9 Amazing Reasons to Drink Olive Oil on an Empty Stomach

Olive oil is an all in one package easily available to everyone. Everyone must use olive oil regularly because it is loaded with fatty acids, vitamins and macro-nutrients. It is an easily accessible most valuable daily use product that can do wonders to your health. Born realist has compiled together 9 most important reasons for you to drink one table spoon of olive oil every morning on an empty stomach. Try this and you will see wonders.

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Note: There’s a Bonus for women at the end.

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9. For Healing Your Colon

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Olive oil can benefit your body externally and internally. While olive oil might be great for your skin and hair, it is beneficial to your colon as well. Olive oil basically protects your cell from any kind of damage that might lead you towards cancer. It improves your colon’s working system and improves its patency. Olive oil is great for getting relief from constipation.

8. To Make Your Skin, Bones, Hair and Nails Better

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As olive oil is effective for almost every part of your body, it is most beneficial for your skin, bones, hair and nails. It plays a great role in repairing, softening, nourishing and moisturizing of damaged hair and nails and help them grow faster and better. Olive oil can be used as a hair or skin mask but it works best when consumed internally.

7. For Cleansing Of Liver

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The liver is one of the most important organs of your body as it performs the essential function of cleansing all our internal system. Sometimes the function gets interrupted and needs to go through the process of detoxification. Olive oil works best for detoxing liver. If you want to get the best results then you should mix 2 tablespoons of olive oil along with 1/3 part of lemon juice in a glass and then consume drink on an empty stomach and see the changes in yourself.

6. For Losing Weight

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One benefit that would definitely make you consume olive oil on an empty stomach is the fact that it helps you reduce weight rapidly. Olive oil is full of fatty acids which are basically healthy form of fats and they make you feel full and eat less. For a healthier lifestyle you should replace butter with olive oil and it would replace your fats with good fats.

5. For Improving Your Immune System

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Olive oil works great on your immune system. As it includes a healthy amount of fatty acids which works great on different parts of immune functioning. Olive oil helps in supporting the immune system and its regulation. Olive oil works best as natural treatment for autoimmune diseases.

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4. For Protecting Your Heart

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For protection of heart you need to keep an eye on your cholesterol. Basically, there are two types of cholesterol in your body, one needs to be increased and other needs to be decreased. HDL is the good type of cholesterol and it need to be increased and on the other hand LDL is the bad type of cholesterol and need to be decreased. HDL actually dislodges LDL so for increasing HDL we need to have a Mediterranean diet plan which includes consumption of vegetables, fruits, grains and olive oil.

3. For Reduction Of Inflammation

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Olive oil is great for getting a relief from inflammation. It works like ibuprofen for reduction if inflammation in any part of your body. According to a research 3-4 tablespoons of olive oil works more effectively than a 10 percent dosage of ibuprofen. Olive oil is more recommended as it is a natural treatment and has no side effects.

2. For Controlling Your Blood Sugar Level


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Olive oil has a quality of reducing cholesterol blood sugar level. It should be consumed daily on an empty stomach in the morning especially for patients with diabetes or unhealthy cardiovascular system.

1. For Protection of Brain

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Olive oil is greatly beneficial for your brain. Olive oil helps our brain with oxygen intake and in prevention of Mental Issues like Alzheimer. It is great for boosting our memories and reducing the risk of having mental illnesses such as depression. Consuming olive oil daily on empty stomach will increase your mental and physical health instantly so you should make consuming it a part of your everyday routine.

Bonus For Women

For Breast Enlargement

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Olive oil works great on external parts of our body too. If you want to increase the size of your breasts or make them firmer. If done right olive oil can work effectively. The right way to do it is to massage your breasts for 10 to 15 minutes in circular motions. You have to start from the outside and move inward in circular motions. This will accelerate your blood flow and your breasts will get elasticity and growth in just 30 days.

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Article by Born Realist