Life is a struggle that we all have to go through together.
In moments of ups and downs, it is nice to have some encouragement for a friend or encouragement and strength to give each other the boost we deserve.
So when someone you know is feeling down or when you lose a loved one, encouragement for loss of a brother or a sister could really be helpful in lifting yourself or your friends and family up; Because that especially is no time to just lie down and give up, that is the time to be strong and pay attention to some positive words of encouragement.
To accommodate in you in circumstances dire, or otherwise, we have compiled a list of encouraging words that will definitely help you and your loved ones feel better.
Words of Encouragement for a Friend
Friends are families that we choose. And just like any family, it is on us to be there for them through thick and thin to help them get through it with words of encouragement for a friend.
No matter what how down they are feeling, it is our job to come up with the perfectly said encouraging words to a friend feeling down or find the right encouragement for a friend who is depressed and hope for the best.
Words of Encouragement for Significant Other
Encouragement to husband coming from someone that is special to them would mean more than anything else because behind every great husband, is an encouraging wife. So here’s is encouragement for him that you will definitely need at some point in your hopefully long lives together.
Words of Encouragement and Strength
Nothing can lift up a person feeling down more encouragement and strength from a loved one. If someone believes in you and gives you encouragement in life, it can really change how you feel about yourself. That is why we have encouragement for you to use to help your friends out.
You should always surround yourself with as much positivity as you can. And what better way to do that than have people around you who inspire you with positive encouragement.
There are people who either pull us down, or motivate us to be our best selves. You can choose whether you are the former or the latter; you could be the person who changes their lives, and your own, by using inspirational encouragement and push them to do better. Here is some encouragement and hope from some people who have made something of themselves in their lives.
And hopefully, these will be your encouragement in life that’ll make you want to strive for something better.
Words of Encouragement for Kids
Children are our future and they are highly impressionable. So it is wise to speak to them with some encouragement for kids.
Life is the toughest for school and college students. With the burden of assignments and exams, they often require encouragement for students. Especially when they don’t end up doing well in their exams, rather than demotivating them, we should be encouraging after failing an exam.
Words of Encouragement for Work
If you are searching for encouragement for my son or encouragement for daughter then these would be perfect to motivate them.
Words of Encouragement when Sick
Being sick, especially with a terminal disease, is what causes people to lose hope and give up. Encouragement when sick can result in them feeling relief. Words of encouragement for a sick person have to be powerful enough to bring back the hope that they had already forgotten.
Cancer is a terrible sickness in which the person suffers and struggles a lot. Kind words to a cancer patient are certainly a necessity because they need them the most. So if you have a loved one going through this, they really need such blessings during cancer.
So here’s a list of encouragement to cancer patient which you can go look through to convince your friends and family of hope.
Words of Encouragement from the Bible
We all have those days in our lives that everything seems to be going wrong. When all else fails, we have nowhere to turn to but our faith; encouragement from the bible give us the comfort that we need during that time.
Religion teaches us about loving each other, more than anything else. This encouragement god from the bible are all the reasons that we need to be kind to each other. Read the scriptures below for words of religious encouragement.
Funny Words of Encouragment
When everything seems dark, a little humour can lighten it up. Funny encouragement words before surgery or during sickness or even while sad could really make your friend or family member's mood significantly better. So enjoy a few funny and daily encouragement.
Words Of Encouragement of the Day
The people around you aren't the only ones who need encouragement, sometimes you need a daily dose of encouragement as well. Read this daily encouragement and do more!
We have compiled what we believe to be some of the most motivating phrases and encouragement that might actually hold the power to change your life; even if they only do it one day at a time.
So be the rainbow in someone else’s cloud by brightening up the days of your loved ones with words of encouragement for a friend or make them feel better with words of encouragement for a divorced woman or for loss of a brother or sister.
While collectively writing these encouragement and strength words, I became more inspired in my life and I hope that they do the same for you.