Benefits are an important part of any job and as an employer, it’s vital that you are aware of what your staff value most highly. When you are able to provide the desired perks for your employees, you can attract and retain talent while keeping your people happy and engaged. So, what are the most sought-after benefits among the UK workforce?
Digging Into the Data
A recent study was carried out by flyer and leaflet specialists instantprint, who surveyed 1,000 UK employees. The results showed that 44% of respondents felt that the majority of their benefits did not match their needs – a clear indication that employers need to take action or else could risk losing their talent.
Flex Working
In the wake of COVID-19 and businesses having to adapt their policies, it’s perhaps unsurprising that the most sought-after benefit is flexible working, with 45% of respondents identifying that as their top priority.
The Great Resignation
Meanwhile, almost one-third (32%) would value a job with a flexible working location. This has contributed to what is being called ‘The Great Resignation’, with people handing in their notice after being forced to return to the office. This means that there is a lot of talent currently out there looking for work, so offering flexible terms could make your business more appealing to candidates.
Other Benefits
Interestingly, health benefits are also highly valued by UK employees. Dental care (43%), eye care (31%) and mental health counselling (18%) were all listed as desirable benefits. A few other perks that were deemed to be important include a bonus scheme (28%), additional holiday days and free meals (both 27%), increased pension contribution and free parking (both 24%).
The Advantages of Offering Benefits
These are the most sought-after benefits right now for UK workers. As an employer, you need to be aware of these and try to offer as many as possible to staff. Flexible working, in particular, could help you to attract and retain talent as well as bring benefits to the business. These include reducing costs, increasing your ability to make remote hires and improving morale and productivity across the board.
Perks are an important part of the job for employees and could make a big difference to your business. Flexible working has become the most sought-after benefit, which is no surprise following COVID-19 and the global change in perspective that the pandemic brought with it. Offering a degree of flexibility should be considered along with the other benefits mentioned above to make your company a desirable place to work.
Article by Born Realist