10 Brutal Truths About Life No One Wants To Admit

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The Truth About Life. Life is full of ups and downs, surprises and hardships, good times and bad. It can throw you curve balls and can also reward you with so many different lessons and experiences.There are lots of things we know about our lives, but there are even more true of life that we don’t know about. Unfortunately, the more time you spend pretending that ultimate truths don’t exist, the more time you waste not being your authentic self and getting the most out of every precious second.

View Additionally: The Truth About Life

At the same time, sometimes people prefer to live in ignorance. As they say, ignorance is bliss and sometimes people prefer not to know the truth behind lots of things in life. Every single one of us has our own struggles to deal with. We worry we procrastinate, we don’t feel good enough, we wish we had more money…the list could go on and on. Let go of all those stressful distractions and just accept and experience the moment. Considering this now would be an opportune time to remind yourself of some hard The Truth About Life that will benefit you in the long run.

10.You Can’t Make Everyone Happy: The Truth About Life

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The Truth About Life

The Truth About Life. Stop mastering the art of people pleasing because A) It’s not an art and B) You’ll always come out on the losing end regardless of your intentions. Everybody has expectations from everybody and when those expectations are broken one person always gets the blame. You cannot make everyone happy no matter how hard you try. Why do you have to make everyone around you happy at the cost of your own happiness?  Just remember that prioritizing yourself is not being selfish.  It’s about self-love which should always come first above everyone else.

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9. Things Won’t Always Turn Out The Way You Expect Them: The Truth About Life

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The Truth About Life

The Truth About Life. One of the facts about the life we often ignore is the chance of failure.  By now we all know that failure and difficulty is part of life and that no matter how perfectly planned your goals and dreams may be, there will be a few bumps along the way but why do you still get surprised with all these? Why do you always look someone else to blame? Why don’t you just move on with life? Things won’t always go in your favor and the sooner you accept this the better your life will be. It will be a peaceful one! And you will be ready to face any difficult situations ahead. It will make you stronger to fight any battle of your life. It helps you become aware of how you should react or respond to the situation and how you would get around the obstacles that life will throw at you.

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8. Money Won’t Buy You Happiness (The Truth About Life)

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The Truth About Life

The Truth About Life. The ones with less wealth will not agree with this statement but if you ask someone who has a perfect bank balance, he will tell you how empty his life has been. Everyone would love to become rich, have a nice car, a beach house, an every year vacation but is it all worth it if you don’t get time to spend with your family, WHY? because you are busy making wealth and forget the little happiness in the life. Money and wealth will not be worth the sacrifice if you only get to see your family once or twice a week. You can’t work tirelessly to earn enough but fail to build relationships with your family. That’s a sad existence my friend so do your best to build your work around your life instead of the other way around.

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7. Not Everyone Will Support You in All Your Endeavors: The Truth About Life

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The Truth About Life

The Truth About Life. Now, this is one of the sad facts about life that you have to accept especially if you haven’t experienced it yet because believe me, it sucks big time! People have different beliefs and opinions and this does not exempt our families so don’t be surprised if your friend, your cousin, your brother, refuse to support you in your bad moments. Everyone will always be with you when you are doing well but the real faces will show up when the bad time arrives and it changes your perception of someone completely.

6. Following The Rules, Don’t Guarantee Success: The Truth About Life

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The Truth About Life

The Truth About Life. When I say rules, I don’t mean for you to break the law just so we’re clear. What I mean here is to adhere to the things as they are or follow what is considered the normal convention.  Sometimes, being a maverick does you better than being a goody-two-shoes kind of guy. Embrace your uniqueness, refuse to follow the crowd and do something different and out of the ordinary.  Street smarts have a higher survival rate than those who stick to the rules every time.

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5. Happiness is Not as Difficult to Find as You Thought it Would Be: The Truth About Life

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The Truth About Life

The Truth About Life. The word Happiness isn’t as complicated as others perceive it to be. Happiness is something you have inside of you. It has always been there but somehow you have overlooked it because you have been finding it in wrong places.  There’s no secret sauce or special formula for one to find happiness. You just have to really want it and find ways to always be in that state no matter what your circumstances are. You have to be persistent and determined t find it.

4. You Can Never Get The Time Back You Wasted: The Truth About Life

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The Truth About Life

The Truth About Life. Perhaps the most brutal among the facts about life is looking back and telling yourself what you should or shouldn’t have done when you had the chance to. Time is cruel that way. You can never bring it back.  There’s no rewind or Undo button. Whats done is done, you had a shot before and now you have blown it. You sometimes become your own destructor and forget how much potential you have to yourself. This is where your “should have” come in.  I should have done this, I should have done that. Make the most out of time. Make each second count and make sure that you use your time for something positive because life is too short for you to dwell on the negative things.

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3. You Can’t be Perfect: The Truth About Life

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The Truth About Life

The Truth About Life. Many perfectionists have unrelenting inner critics that are full of so much rage and self-hate that it tears them apart inside. Fight back against that negative voice, amplify your intuition, and start challenging your unrealistic standards. Holding yourself to unrealistic standards will create only suffering for you. Stop looking up to someone and stop trying to be like someone else. You have got your own personality, try to polish it and be an individual.

2. Everyone You Love is Going to Die, and You Don’t Know When: The Truth About Life

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The Truth About Life

The Truth About Life. Creepy, I know but hey, The Truth About Life cannot only be cruel and brutal, they can also be morbid. This truth may be saddening at first, but it also gives you permission to make amends with past difficulties and re-establish meaningful relationships with important figures in your life. Your relationships are precious, so get the most meaning you can out of them. It also gives you the motivation to make the most of the time you have with your loved ones while they’re here. We only get one shot at this my friend to make the most out of it.

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1. You’re Going to Die and You Have No Idea When: The Truth About Life

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The Truth About Life

The Truth About Life. Stop pretending that you’re invincible. Acknowledge the fact of your own mortality, and then start structuring your life in a more meaningful way. You don’t want to look back fifty or seventy years from now as you sit in your rocking chair at your front yard looking at the vast expanse wondering what might have been done differently in former years so that you would have a happier life later. You only live once so make full use of it and make your life beneficial for others too.

Conclusion: The Truth About Life

Life is beautiful but it can also be unfair.  Each day is a new experience and we can’t really predict what’s going to happen next.  It helps to acknowledge the facts about life that we all know exists but we continue to ignore but accepting them as truth will help us make better decisions.

Article by Born Realist