Strokes are not that rare and could be extremely dangerous. Although they could inflict any person of any age, women from the age of 18 and 40 are the ones with the greatest risk of getting a stroke. Here are some simple facts that can help you identify a stroke and help you act quickly to potentially save a person’s life. Some habits and conditions that can put a person at a greater risk than others.
Firstly let’s talk about the types of strokes and their probable risk factors:
Types Of Strokes
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Ischemic stroke
It occurs when there is a lack of blood supply to the brain due to clogged or narrowed blood vessels and can lead to brain tissue damage.
Hemorrhagic stroke
This occurs when brain vessels rupture, causing swelling and pressure.
Risk Factors
There are several factors that can play a part in causing stroke, whether on their own or combined with some other reason. These risk factors contain:
High blood pressure, which puts an undue stress on the blood vessels and increases the chances of a clog being formed or a vessel getting damaged
Diabetes can cause variations in blood consistency and thickening or thinning of blood can alter the way it goes through vessels.
Various Heart Disease. If you are already suffering from some heart disease your chances of getting stroke increase.
Smoking causes buildup in the vessels which can narrow their diameter and lead to clots and restricted blood flow.
Obesity. Being extremely overweight can put undue pressure on the circulatory systems and cause damage due to the blood vessels and increase the risk of clotting.
High Cholesterol Level can cause the membranes of the cells to thicken and make it difficult for them to pass through blood vessels and hence cause damage and blockages, leading to stroke.
Alcohol prolonged abuse of alcohol can also increase the risk of stroke.
Stress can also put pressure on the blood vessels in the brain and too much stress can cause them to burst.
Lack of physical activity can lead to poor blood circulation and hence an increased risk of formation of clots and consequently strokes.
Common Symptoms Among Women
1. Visual Impairment
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A stroke can cause sudden visual impairment in one or both eyes. If optic lobes are damaged in any way, a person can experience blind spots.
2. An acute Headache
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There is a sharp and splitting headache which can sometimes also be combined with nausea and vomiting.
3. Sudden Acute Pain In The Chest
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One can experience sudden pain in the chest which resembles a heart attack but if accompanied by hiccups is most likely to be a stroke.
4. Impaired Coordination
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A stroke can cause damage to the brain cells that can result in sudden loss of balance and coordination and the area of the brain in which the loss of orientation is experienced can point to where exactly brain damage has occurred.
5. Sudden Fatigue
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If an active person suddenly experiences a change in mood, the inability to find the power to do anything or drowsiness without any reason can be indicative of a stroke. Some women have also been reported to suffer from depression as a symptom of stroke.
6. Loss Of Consciousness
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A person suffering from a stroke can suddenly lose consciousness which is usually preceded by shortness of breath and palpitations.
7. Pain On One Side Of The Face
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Another one of the symptoms could be a pain in only one side of the side or any other part of the body. Sometimes people can feel pain or lose locomotion in the one whole right or left side of the body.
If you feel like a person is having a stroke it is important to know if that is true or they are displaying symptoms of some other condition. Here are some tests you can carry out on your own to identify that:
Testing For Stroke 
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If you see a person on even yourself experiencing these symptoms, immediately go to their aid or call for help. Strokes can be much less dangerous if the person experiencing them is treated on time. Hence, if you see someone having a stroke do not waste time and call an ambulance. While you are waiting for help to arrive, you can do these actions to judge if they are having a stroke or some other condition:
Smile. Smile or ask them to smile, there is a high chance that their smile will be a-symmetrical or one-sided, due to the facial nerves of one side of the face not working.
Hands. Ask the person probably suffering from a stroke to lift their hands in the air at an angle of 90 degrees and hold them there for five seconds. If one of their hand falls, it is indicative of a stroke.
Speech. Talk to the person or ask them to repeat a simple sentence after you. If their speech is slow or they are unable to give an answer, it is a sign of a stroke.