It has been many years since the legendary entrepreneur and co-founder of a renowned brand in technology, Apple, Steve Jobs has left the face of this earth but what is alive is his vision, his creativity, and his innovations. These Steve Jobs will show you how.
He was well known for his rebellious attitude and his commitment towards his work. He understood the depth of human nature and it reflected in his work and his quotes.
Steve jobs quotes were an amalgamation of being successful, being a failure and also to live life to fullest.
However, Jobs also had many other sayings that are equal parts inspirational and profound. Here are some of the best.
Steve Jobs Quotes About Work:
Never Settle For Less:
Context: Never stop searching for what you really want to achieve in life. It is somewhere in the world, you need to develop the keen eye for it. Learn from the masters.
Be Confident:
Context: If you are confident enough at what you do, you don’t need any power to support you. Make your achievements so strong that they speak for itself.
Follow Your Heart:
Context: Follow your gut and everything will fall into place. The puzzle of life you have been trying so hard to solve, it’s time to follow your instinct and the pieces will sort out themselves.
Better Employee Equals Best Results:
Context: If you want someone to give you the best results, you need to work on them more rather than figuring out other ways to accomplish your task.
Steve Jobs Quotes On Leadership:
You Can’t Make Everyone Happy:
Context: You have to make tough choices in your life. If you are strong enough to make those, you are on the path of great leadership.
Make Firm Decisions:
Context: A person should always be steadfast in his or her professional and personal life.
Steve Jobs Quotes On Technology:
Care About The Essence Not The Outlook:
Context: The usage is more important than the outer look. Make the usage of something strong and you can convey your ideas in a more effective manner.
Believe In Yourself:
Context: Be confident about what you do and what your choices are. They make you, you. Do not let others blur your identity, it is all that matters most.
Love What You Do:
Context: Your work is your baby, handle it with love. When you take out love from it, it will disappoint you at every step.
Steve Jobs Quotes Love What You Do:
Keep Seeking Knowledge:
Context: Do not settle for less in your life. There is so much information out there, look deeply into the reality of the world and you will get where you always have wanted to.
Be A Leader And Innovate For Betterment:
Context: If you want to be a leader, you need to be sensitive about what you invent. Your work reflects what and who you are.
Steve Jobs Quotes On Hiring:
Always Go For Excellence:
Context: Quality matters the most.
Steve Jobs Quotes On Success:
Go Crazy:
Context: Your craziness is your strength, do not hide it out of shame. Rather, be who you are and see the change you can bring to this world.
Don’t Look Down Upon Yourself:
Context: There is a limit to everything, and time stops for no one. Do not waste your time on following someone or something that is not worthy of. Utilize the provided means and make the most out of them.