There Are Just 5 Types of Personalities in The Whole World, Find Which One Are You!

We meet tons of people in our lives and somehow each one of them is completely different from other people we’ve already met. Although each individual seems different at first sight, there are certain traits and qualities that are quite similar among different types of people. These similarities can be grouped together to form a ‘personality type’. Although each person is an amalgamation of characteristics that are unique, the core and overall persona of the person is similar to the people belonging to the same personality type. 

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“Know thyself.” Everyone at one point in their lives has gone through the agony of self-discovery. Of looking at oneself from the perspective of how people see them, outside looking in. The struggle of discovering oneself could be as small as taking a long hard look in the mirror or as big as becoming a Buddhist monk. By some observation, you can be successful at finding out the type of personality you belong to.

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Here are those personalities categorized into five types:

Type 1 – “The Social Butterfly”

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People belonging to this personality type are the most communicative compared to all the other types. As the name suggests, they are extroverted party animals who love to be surrounded by people at all times. They are confident and kick off with people almost immediately after meeting them.

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They are often curious about things and people. They like to know the details of others lives and usually ask a lot of personal questions. The exposure gained by being in the company of so many different people gives them a sense of wisdom which makes them good mentors and they often have a unique perspective on life. They can also be quite self-aware and keep up an image of themselves.

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However, they also tend to be more prone to alcoholism and drugs. They often fear intimacy and lean towards being promiscuous. Occasionally, they can be overbearing and may not be as good listeners as some of the other types.

 Type 2 – “The Attentive Ear”

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These people are great at forming deep connections. They tend to be extremely empathetic, and hence good listeners. As friends, they tend to be loyal and compassionate. They seldom hold grudges and are quick to forgive. They are not always up to date with pop culture and usually are more interested in philosophy, art, movies and are often avid readers.

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Nevertheless, they are not great fans of change and prefer things to stay the way they are. They don’t get out of their comfort zone often and are socially awkward. They are also not too keen on taking risks.

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Type 3 – “The Shapeshifter”

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These people as the name suggests are able to mould themselves into a person that is best suited for a situation. They never reveal their true motives to people and tend to be quite manipulative. They build fake personas in order to get people to do what they please. They often appear as charming and good-natured which helps them appear trustworthy and hence easily mask their true nature.

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Before you know it, these people would get under your skin and get to know your weaknesses, only to use them against you later. If they want something from you, they will grow closer to you, which leaves you emotionally vulnerable and easy to manipulate. It is best to avoid someone who fits this persona.

Type 4 – “The Emotional Attacher”

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Their insecurity of not being good enough and fear of being alone makes them cling to someone who pays them the slightest attention. They desperately try to form an emotional bond with someone they like and tend to get attached to people rather easily. They demand a lot of attention and validation from people in their life and can sometimes manipulate people for giving it to them. They do not have a problem submitting to someone’s demand and often do not have enough self-respect to back away from someone who does not want them in their life.

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They might come off as clingy and can sometimes make bad decisions trying to gain someone’s attention but they do not mean to harm any one and are loyal partners. Just a little love and attention is required to make them happy.

Type 5 – “The Lone Wolf”

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Completely opposite from the Type 4, these people do not need other people to function normally. They are independent and self-reliant. People often sceptical of them for they do not make any effort to keep people in their life. They lose touch with friends and family easily. They are closed off and reluctant to share the details of their personal life with someone due to which they are often perceived as mysterious and secretive. They are sensitive fellows but can be misunderstood.

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Some people with this personality type have always been like this but at times a significant change in life or a traumatic experience can force people to close off and isolate themselves. If you see someone transitioning into a lone wolf, it’s a good idea to check in on them.

Did you find yourself in one of these personalities? It is possible for someone to be a mix of two personality types. Humans are extremely diverse and each one of us is shaped by our experiences. It is important to remember that there is always a reason behind the actions of someone. For example, if someone is reluctant to trust people, it is quite possible that they have had their trust broken so many times that now as a defense mechanism, they do not let themselves to be put in a situation where someone has the ability to break their trust.

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Article by Born Realist