Making decisions in every aspect of life is important as it can have long-term consequences. Among these aspects, ‘choosing the right career’ is most significant. Not only it takes most of your years but you also associate your personality with it. Kind of like, sorts of identity. So then, the main question arises, that how to tell if I am making the right career choice? The following article will suggest some of the ideas with the intention of guiding you.
10. Your area of interest:
If your current job and your passions aren’t same, then why are you even doing that job? Why are you torturing yourself physically and mentally by doing that job you don’t like? If the reasons behind these aforementioned actions were that, you wanted to be stay put and was afraid to be left behind then I am afraid that you are going at a wrong direction. Take a deep breath and focus on yourself that which area of profession interests you. Based on those interests, search for the related jobs/professions. Don’t worry about being left behind; every single person grows at their own time and at their own pace.
9. Play with your strength:
As in, skills in which you are an expert or consider yourself exceptionally good. For example; you have a gift of leading a team. Apply for that profession that gives you numerous of opportunities to lead a team. In other words, skills will aid you in making decisions regarding your job.
8. Look for skills, demanded in market:
Personal skills are not hard skills that you can quantify and measure, like computer programming skills or legal knowledge. Instead, they are soft skills qualities or attitudes that a person demonstrate. When you have communicating skills, you can control your life and success may come to you naturally. Words have no tax, for this reason, communication is cheap for a successful life.
7. Ask your mentor:
Your mentor can remove your confusion in regards to this issue. It could be anyone, your teacher, your senior or even your parents. The main point behind this suggestion is that, mentor knows more about abilities and your hidden potential. They can detect this by your approach towards solving a question. In my case, my math’s teacher told me I have a potential of becoming mechanical engineer because I was able to solve mechanics related math questions. But since I didn’t have interest in physics I didn’t pursue it further. So I advise you to share your problems with mentor, they will reveal what type of intelligence you possess like linguistics, visual, logistics etc.
6. Look for unique professions:
If you are that kind of person who doesn’t want to work in obvious professions like doctors, lawyers then you are in luck. Because with each passing day, new vocations are coming up to fulfill a certain demand. For example, due to advancement in technologies and internet connection, many corporations want to promote their business through websites. Because of this, organizations are eager to hire applicants who have knowledge in SEO marketing.
5. Make your dream your career:
Yes and why not? What would be a better option than pursuing your dream as your career goal? If you believe that your dream will contribute towards your growth then go for it. All the present billionaires were just like you. They made their dreams their career for example Elon Musk, Bill Gates.
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4. Add innovations in already existing professions:
A career doesn’t have to be unique or out of the world. You can innovate it by adding your style to make it more creative. To illustrate this point, let me tell you about a certain person who is Ukrainian patisserie name, Dinara Kasko. Having a degree at the architectural designer, Dinara choose to pursue a career towards becoming a pastry chef. But she doesn’t make typical cakes. No, instead she makes these complex, geometric desserts by first designing the cake molds using the 3D- printing technologies and then using those said silicon molds, she creates desserts that are a replica of a fashionable architecture. Her example shows that she made her career by making a fusion of both architecture and pastry.
3. Assess your needs:
Self-awareness is vital because sooner or later you have to take a wheel. What I am trying to say is this that ask yourself that what conditions you would want to be there if you get hired in some company. Your preferences matter because based on your level of comfort you can choose a certain career. Suppose you are a social person and you like to meet new people, so based on this preferences the suitable career for you is those jobs that require day to day interaction with new people. Besides the reason of comfort level being fulfilled, when your needs are met, you will feel motivated to perform at your best.
2. Find that field that excites you:
The above suggestion is related to the first and sixth point. Go for that career that brings the zeal within you, that makes you get you out of bed. This contentment will indicate that you have made a right choice. A work will not feel like a work itself.
1. Take self-assessment tests:
Take online quizzes or short tests. They are available in various academic websites. These tests will evaluate the aptitude that you hold. And don’t just stop there, work on your aptitude to make yourself expert in that area.
Article by Born Realist