Needless to say, residing in a single house for years implies that you would have collected numerous items during that particular period. These might include practical everyday necessities items, valuable possessions, collectibles, accessories, clothing items, knick-knacks, and other stuff. However, now that you are considering relocating to a new place, you are faced with the exhausting task of packing all your accumulated possessions. According to the national moving companies, relocating to a new location is a hectic task, especially when there are several items to be packed and moved. The more stuff you plan to carry along with you, the more you will need packing material and thus, the more energy and time is to be invested in the packing process.
To avoid such a situation, it is always better to sort out the unwanted or non-essential items and get rid of them by donating the same items. Here in this article, you will learn how to donate old belongings when relocating the home.
Sort out the items:
The best tip to achieve a seamless and trouble-free transition is to simplify the same to a great extent. And when it comes to simplifying the relocation what can be better than reducing the load of the belongings that are to be relocated. All you are required to do is take a look around, sort all your stuff into two piles essential or wanted items and unwanted or non-essential items, and purge out the latter pile. Go through every corner of your house and put all stuff into the below-mentioned categories:
- Indispensable: This category includes items that fulfill the necessities or have sentiments attached to them.
- Valuable: This particular category includes expensive possession like heirlooms of your family, precious artwork, gold or diamond jewelry, etc.
- Enjoyable: In this category, one can include stuff like books, collections, keepsakes, or any other items that makes you feel happy, no matter if they can be practically used or not.
- No longer required: This category can include outdated stuff like books, musical instruments, magazines, clothes, accessories, footwear, toys, electronic appliances, furniture, and other stuff that are either out of the trend, too small, worn-out, non-functional, or too uncomfortable.
- Useless: Any item which is either broken or damaged can be included in this category.
Just make the list of the stuff which is in a good and working condition and thus, can be used by the others so that you can further consider donating them.
Donating the old possessions:
The easiest approach to purge out the old stuff is to donate them. Not only an individual can reduce his load but also donating to the needy people will make him feel happy. One might be thinking of selling the unwanted stuff so that extra money can be earned. But organizing a garage sale amidst the exhausting moving process can add more stress to the transition.
Instead, opt for donating the items as it does not require extra preparations and also will help the people in dire need of different things. Just contact the local charitable trusts or non-profit organizations and donate the old stuff to them. Many charity organizations also offer pick-up facilities.
Apart from reputable charity organizations or NGOs, many other institutions are open to the donations:
- Schools, literacy clubs, day centers, and other community centers: Such institutions are a great place to donate your magazines, novels, comic books, textbooks, electronic appliances, furniture, and other stuff.
- Shelters, old-age homes, and orphanages: These institutions are always in the dire need of clothing, footwear, kitchen items, books, toys, appliances, and other household items.
Wrapping up it all!
When living in a home or apartment for years, one collects several items. Surely, some belongings will be useful enough that it’s not possible to do a day without, while other items are utilized occasionally or rarely. It is sometimes not possible to carry all stuff when relocating to the other city or country. One of the best ways to purge the unwanted stuff is by donating them. This will also make you feel happy and satisfied. There are many reputable NGOs and charitable trusts including Salvation Army, Goodwill, Baby2Baby, Food Banks, eBay Giving Works, and many others where one can consider donating their old stuff.