Have you heard about the Dalai Lama?
The Dalai Lama is the most important monk from the Gelug School and holds an important place in the Buddhist religion.
Each Dalai Lama is a symbol of kindness and love in the religion and each and every Dalai Lama is a source of Wisdom and he is viewed as a religious Buddhist leader.
What advice does the Dalai Lama have to say? (focus on your goals)
The Dalai Lama has a wide set of quotes and advice on every aspect of life.
His quotes range from advice on simple things to something as complex as the meaning of life and religion, today we will discuss a quote and the why’s and why not’s of one of his famous quotes,
Note: You might have come here wondering how to focus on your goals, or how to get your children to focus on what you think is the right field for them. However, that is unfair to them, you should instead studying on how to stay focused on your children wants and needs. It is important to teach your children, what is important and what isn’t. However, they have to choose their own path, instead of forcing them to be something your not, learn how to focus your mind.
“You should never force anyone to follow your path.”
This statement probably rings true for a lot of us, and inside we all know that it’s right because at some point in life we have all been forced to follow someone else’s path, or to let go of our ambitions because our superiors believed (and probably meant well) that they would not get us far in life.
We have decided to pen down some reasons why this is essentially a bad idea and why no one should ever be forced to follow a path that they have not chosen themselves.
Note: You might have come here wondering how to focus on your goals, or how to get your children to focus on what you think is the right field for them. However, that is unfair to them, you should instead studying on how to stay focused on your children wants and needs. It is important to teach your children, what is important and what isn’t. However, they have to choose their own path, instead of forcing them to be something your not, learn how to focus your mind.
They have a different skill set from you (focus on your goals):
Every human being is different.
The chances of two people being born similar are so close to zero actually that you can’t imagine! (we’d rather not quote the numbers).
What that means is though, that every person that is going to be born on this planet (even if he or she is your blood) is going to be different from you. They have their own thoughts, and their own ambitions and so similarly, every person that will come into this world will come with their own skill set.
Which is why, if you force someone onto a path that they don’t want to follow, their individual talents will be wasted and the world will never be able to benefit from their talents.
Everyone gets only one shot at their own life (focus on your goals):
Life is short, and the only real thing that a person has in this life is time, it’s like the currency of the universe.
And seeing as how we only get one shot at life it is essential for us as parents, teachers and generally as human beings to allow those around us the freedom to be themselves.
They may have different ambitions than you (focus on your goals):
People have different interests because of our diverse personalities and upbringings.
Like I’ve said before, no two people are the same, and so no two people can host the same ambitions. Everyone, even children from the same families view the world from different perspectives.
That means that even when two people want the same things, they might have different motives behind them wanting it. The simple truth is that every human being is individualistic in his or her own respect and so they have different ambitions as well.
It allows them to take responsibility (focus on your goals):
A person takes responsibility and makes it their personal ambition to succeed in the field, or the mode of life of their choosing.
If you’ve forced something on someone, they will continue to lazily go about their lives without taking any responsibility for their lives or their failure.
Note: You might have come here wondering how to focus on your goals, or how to get your children to focus on what you think is the right field for them. However, that is unfair to them, you should instead studying on how to stay focused on your children wants and needs. It is important to teach your children, what is important and what isn’t. However, they have to choose their own path, instead of forcing them to be something your not, learn how to focus your mind.
They will always blame you for their failure (focus on your goals):
Pushing someone into something that their heart isn’t in usually ends up in you being the culprit. The person you’ve pushed into your own field or your own kind of life will forever resent you for it, and even if that decision proves good for them, they will never forgive you for taking the integral freedom of choosing their own path from them. I believe that to a child, this act comes off as a breach of trust and insults their intelligence.
It is important to understand that every individual deserves the freedom to make or break their own life.
The world does not get the contribution that only they could have given it (focus on your goals):
The world doesn’t need more copies of you, it already has you! And God knows one individual human being is enough to make an impact.
What the world needs are a new completely individual human being, that your son, daughter or peer is going to become. And they can’t contribute to the world and the universe if they are trying their hardest to become someone else, every human being needs to find their own path, everyone has to fall and get up again and decide what’s good and what isn’t by themselves.
No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path. -Buddha
In the end (focus on your goals):
In the end, I believe that it is important to respect our children enough to allow them to follow their own path and lead their own lives, this allows them to blossom and becomes independent individuals that will contribute to society and will make the world a better place as we know it.
Lyle Perry has something very significant to say on the matter,
Respect your kids, too many adults demand respect without showing any respect in return. Doesn’t work.
And to the people who are facing a difficult person who is adamant about forcing you to follow a path that you know is not designed for you, remember that no one has the right to tell you to be or believe in something that you don’t.
You have your own life and you don’t have to be someone you don’t want to be. Steve Marboli says,
The path to freedom is illuminated by the bridges you have burned, adorned by the ties you have cut, cleared by the drama you have left behind. Let go. Be free.
Note: You might have come here wondering how to focus on your goals, or how to get your children to focus on what you think is the right field for them. However, that is unfair to them, you should instead studying on how to stay focused on your children wants and needs. It is important to teach your children, what is important and what isn’t. However, they have to choose their own path, instead of forcing them to be something your not, learn how to focus your mind.