Big decisions cause serious stress in your life and this process of decision making is never a piece of cake. No matter how many tricks you have to solve a problem, there is always a chance that you lose a little sleep over the big decisions. Sometimes making a decision seems to be a very complicated step. Fear of picking the wrong option leads you to a limbo where nothing gets done and the issue seems to grow bigger and bigger. The more you ponder the decision, the more confused and stuck you feel. All you want is that little voice in your head to tell you that “you are doing right for yourself, you should go for it”! To make it more easier for you and polish your decision making skills, here are 10 Ted Talks that will guide you to your ultimate decision:
10. How to make hard choices:
Along with the growing age, it becomes much harder to make biggest decisions of your life. Which career should I pursue? Should I break up or get married? Where should I live? Big decisions like these can be agonizingly difficult. These decisions become hard because we think about them in a wrong way. This Ted Talk will help you realize more about yourself and when you will get to know better about yourself, then and only then you must be able to make the hard choice. Click on link below to watch full video.
9. Limit your options for better decisions:
When you reach to a decision, you always feel good about yourself. Deciding from an array of options might seem fascinating but as good it may sound, too many options can make you feel confused too. When we don’t reach to a decision we often feel low about ourselves, that we don’t have capacity to do more. Best way to ignore such feeling is to limit the options because choices have made us not freer but more paralyzed, not happier but more dissatisfied.
8. When to take a stand and when to let it go:
Intelligent people understand duality. Where you can hold two sets of beliefs simultaneously, see things in the multiples shades they really exist in. This Ted Talk is the best example to decide whether you have to take stand at a particular moment or act best in someone else’s interests.
7. How to make choosing easier:
The overloaded problem of choosing between things from grocery store to life making decisions, can be found in every individual. It is difficult to properly compare all choices, it is fun to gaze at a choices in a grocery store, but how can you really decide which one is best? Watch how you can make the best choice for yourself in the following video.
6. Don’t regret regret (Decision making skills):
Regrets often lead us astray and we loose the capacity to make best decisions for ourselves. We need to learn to love the flawed, imperfect things that we create, and to forgive ourselves for creating them. Regret shouldn’t remind us that we did something really bad but it should become a second chance that tells us that we can do better again.
10 Mind Blowing Techniques To Easily Solve The Root Of Any Problem
5. Embrace the near win:
Not everyone can win, what matters is how close you were able to reach your win. It is the near wins that matter because it motivates us to make better decisions for ourselves and guides us towards our destiny. An almost win is very valuable because it motivates people to achieve what they came close to. Coming close to what you thought you wanted can help you attain more than you’ve ever dreamed of.
4. Embrace the shake:
Even though you have one obstacle in the way of your dream, you have the capacity to find a way around it. Every now and then you come across something so inspiring that truly changes your perspective, mindset, and overall outlook on life. Well this Ted Talk will prove you that no matter what comes in front of you and your destiny, you can overcome it with strong will and decide whether to lose yourself to your hardships or win over them.
3. Smash fear, learn anything:
Ask yourself: “What’s the worst that can happen?” Many of us have different kind of fears, most of them have no real reason or have reason that is not important any more. And we need just remember about the possibilities of the results we want to achieve. It is only fear that can holds us back from reaching to a decision beneficial for us. Learn from the video yourself, how you can beat your fear.
2. The riddle of experience vs. memory:
Everyone loves the idea of happiness. Some people think money can make them happy, where others believe that happiness is created just by living. The complexities behind happiness, and the effects that it has on the decisions we make in our daily lives can really affects our power of decision making. Learn from the Ted Talk yourself, how the memory and experience of your happiness can help you molding your decisions.
1. Where good ideas come from
Good ideas do not for the most part come from inside someone’s head. Instead, they come from outside specifically from social interaction. Every great idea is a combination of an idea that has already been brought to life. So if you want to create better ideas in order to make your life better, you should start looking out in the world. Decide for yourself!
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Article by Born Realist