15 Successful Entrepreneurs Who Proved Age is Just a Number

age is just a number

Self made businesses have been blooming over the past decade. In this time of web and innovation, individuals are presently more sure to try and offer their ideas and hit the road to success. With even the basic skills like knowing how to make a website or selling items on the internet, people can get in touch with anyone in the world and showcase their talent and hence prove that age is just a number. Successful people demonstrate that age ain’t nothing but a number.

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Every day while we drive, when we shower or experience an exhausting meeting, our minds think of the most bizarre yet most captivating thoughts that can possibly turn out to be huge strategies for success, yet we usually ignore them as we are never hoping to make anything out of it. Our brains are thinking machines, yet just a couple of us are able to make these thoughts huge. Surprisingly, the most common and widely recognized reasons among the youth are that they are not mature enough to begin their own business. It is never too soon or late to end up fruitful in your life. You can start the journey of turning into an achiever at any age, and the young entrepreneurs in the below list will simply prove this to you.

Mark Zuckerberg Founder of Facebook (Age is a number)

age is just a number


Founder and CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg had to be on top of the list. His success is clearly seen by all the fame and love Facebook has received, since he first started the company at the age of 19. With just few years of its launch, Facebook was declared one of the most used social media platforms in the world. It has employed thousands of people and has its headquarter in most of the countries. Currently Zuckerberg is estimated to be worth $61.7 billion, while his company continues to grow worldwide. Now this guy truly proved that age is just a number.

Matthew Mullenweg Founder of WordPress (Age is a number)

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Matthew founded the company Automattic in 2005, which later served as parent site for WordPress before he turned 20. WordPress is one of the leading Content Management Systems in the world that provides blogging platform to the people. Just like other successful millionaires, Matthew also happens to be a college dropout. Today his net worth accounts to $40 million.

Catherine Cook Founder of MyYearBook.com (Age is a number)

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At the age of 16 when children are planning their proms and college applications, Catherine and her brother Dave came up with an idea to create a digital yearbook. With investments made from their older brother Geoff Cook, Catherine and her younger brother Dave became the youngest billionaires of their time.

David Carp Founder of Tumblr (Age is a number)

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The year 2007 was a great year for new inventions. That is exactly the same time when Tumblr came in our lives as a blessing. Tumblr a micro-blogging website which is now owned by Yahoo was discovered by David Carp who was then only 21 years old. Tumblr faced a lot of competition from emerging blogging websites, but tumblr community is still going strong while David has a net worth of $200 million.

Varun Agarwal: Author of How I Braved Anu Aunty and Co-Founded a Million Dollar Company (Age is a number)

age is just a number

Varun Agarwal is an entrepreneur and film maker who also wrote the bestselling book; How I Braved Anu Aunty & Co-Founded a Million Dollar Company. Despite being pressurized from his family to choose a field of engineering or medicine, Varun came up with idea of selling school merchandise throughout the country and ended up becoming one of the top 10 entrepreneurs of the country.

At the age of 21 Varun has also worked as a film-maker with award winning musician, A.R Rehman.

Pete Cashmore Founder of Mashable (Age is a number)

age is just a number

Pete Cashmore, the founder and CEO of blog Mashable has a net worth of $95 million. The website was discovered in 2005 when Pete was only 21 years old and features weekly entertainment, and daily news from around the globe. The Blog is famous among young people and has a fan following of $8.82 million. Starting so young and doing so good, Pete Cashmore is a pure example of how age is just a number.

Jon Wheatley Founder of DailyBooth (Age is a number)

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In 2009, Jon Wheatley introduced a photo blogging website called, DailyBooth, when he was just 22 years old. The website allows users to upload pictures with captions with a plain web interface. He was the first to introduce a photo blogging website in the modern era and has a current net worth of $1 million.

Blake Ross Founder of Mozilla Firefox (Age is a number)

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Mozilla Firefox was created by 19 year old Blake Ross when the world was still determinant to use Internet Explorer or Google Chrome. Firebox is known for its dedicated clients and is still a preferred a choice among Android, Linux and Windows users.

Richard Ludlow Creator of Academic Earth (Age is a number)

age is just a number

Richard strongly believed in the power of internet and its potential to change people’s perspectives. Richard acquired this opportunity and created a non profit organization called Academicearth.org. The organization aims at providing low cost and good quality education to under privileged kids. Richard rejected a full time job and admission in a well off college for an MBA course, just so he could focus on his project at the age of 22. He proved entrepreneurship is not all about money, sometimes it can be used to help people also.

Fraser Doherty Founder of Super Jam (Age is a number)

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Fraser is another young billionaire who started his own company at the age of 14.  Yes you heard it right, when Fraser was 14 he learned the skills of making homemade jams from his grandmother and sold them to the Waitrose stores. He named his company, Super Jam and has a net worth of $2million. These jams are organic and made from fresh homemade ingredients.

Sean Bilnick Founder of Bizchair (Age is a number)

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Unlike other teenagers, at the age of 14 Sean was busy selling furniture on his self-made website, Bizchair.com. The website came into action in the year 2004 and has since then made huge revenues of more than $40 million dollars.

Joshua Dziabiak Founder of Media Catch (Age is a number)

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Joshua Dziabiak, another young entrepreneur who made his first million dollar cheque at the age of 18, when he first sold his company Media Catch. He further discovered a few more well known companies, ShowClix and the Zebra. Joshua’s current net worth is more than $9 million. Convinced yet that age is just a number? No? keep reading!

Ryan Block, Product Manager of Engadget (Age is a number)

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Ryan Block is one of the most wanted and highly paid tech genies in the world. He has a net worth of $30 million USD.  At the age of 26, Ryan became the editor of Engadget and rose to fame when he discovered a tech community called, GDGT.

He then returned to Engadget and now works as a product manager.

Aaron Levi Co-Founder of Box (Age is just a number)

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When Aaron was 19, he came up with an idea of providing extra storage space to different businesses. He then founded the company Box alongside his partner. Box is now a company that offers premium file storage and content management services to various businesses. In 2016 Aaron had a net estimate worth of $90 million. (Age is just a number)

Alexander Levin Co-Founder of ImageShack (Age is a number)

age is just a number

The world’s largest image hosting website was founded by Alexander Levin and his co partner when they were just 19. ImageShack did not lose its popularity till date. In fact it is famous in many countries, with extended features. Both the founders of ImageShack share a net worth of $50 million dollars.


Article by Born Realist

Alina Edward is a full-time content writer with over 10+ years of experience. Her keen eye for topics such as business, finance and marketing makes her content extremely valuable for the readers. She has written over 100+ eBooks, SEO-optimized blogs, and over 80 YouTube scripts.