More than eighty five percent of Americans have suffered at a point in their lives from acne vulgaris. Acne is classified under the head of long term skin diseases that result in bulbs of sebum, oil and dead skin cells. If nothing else helps, a lot of people also try blue light therapy for acne. This is an efficient way to treat acne. Acne is often the cause of depression and anxiety and in some cases has also been led to suicide thoughts in people, and being a major cause of disdain and anxiety people will do almost anything to try to cure it. This results, in false stories and remedies created that, when proven ineffective, can lead to disappointment on the patients part. To help you avoid this kind of disappointments we at Born Realist have complied a list of Acne Myths that you should stop believing.
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7. Eating patterns don’t effect Acne production:
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Acne is almost completely genetic, it is influenced mostly by hereditary characters and is often passed down from a parent, so technically it isn’t completely influenced by the foods you eat, but claiming that the food we consume have no effect on acne production, isn’t quiet correct. Even genetic diseases are influenced by environmental factors, and it’s important to understand that not everyone has the same kind of acne, so yours may very well be influenced by the foods you are consuming or maybe the environment your being exposed to. Recent studies show that eating high carb content foods can have an adverse effect on your acne, giving it a spin for the worst. This is because sugar stimulates the excessive productions of insulin, an increased amount of which can cause the increase of acne. It has also been observed that certain hormones in milk can cause an increase in the production of acne. Excessive consumption of foods containing Vitamin A and Zinc can also increase acne production.
6. Smoking facilitates the production of acne:
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As mentioned before, Acne is a genetic problem (80 percent of the time) and all other factors and habits don’t effect it as seriously as genetics do. Which is why saying that smoking is the cause of acne isn’t completely correct. Tobacco smoking of-course, reduces the oxygen supply to the skin and because of it is possible that acne doesn’t heal as quickly as it supposed to. This misconception stems from the instant relief that skin receives after a person quits smoking, and at times it helps acne finish faster, it is important to note that this doesn’t mean that smoking facilitates the production of acne.
5. Decorative cosmetics causes acne:
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Decorative cosmetics do not cause acne in anyway, if they are good quality and branded they usually have no effect on your acne either way, of-course it is important to understand that using low quality products isn’t good for your skin either acne prone or not. Products that are marked as noncomedogenic as they are produced specially for problematic skin should be used to avoid any issues that may arise (acne is influenced by environmental conditions at times) and Alcohols should generally be avoided, (these may include ethanol, lanolin and mineral oil. It is quiet possible that some skin products might have a positive effect on your acne (possible, it isn’t certain, as acne is genetic and ends up winning either way at times, you’ll hear more about medicinal cures at the end of the article) that contain aloe and peptide 10 as they contain collagen production.
4. A suntan helps get rid of acne:
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Heat and oil production accompanied by sweat, is exactly the kind of condition that influences acne production. So if you have acne problems than you can’t even think about getting a suntan. In-fact it is important to protect your skin in the heat using sunscreen if your heading out in the summer, don’t even thinking of getting a suntan!
3. Stress causes acne:
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You’ve probably heard several people tell you that your acne is a result of the stress you’ve taken in the workplace or in school. We’ll all these people are seriously misinformed, stress isn’t a factor that influences acne. Of-course it is important to note that depression suppresses the immune system and can cause acne to heal a lot more slowly that it originally should, it can at a point increase your acne, if it was already problematic, but no cases of people developing acne because of stress or depression.
2. If you wash your face more, your acne will go away:
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Keeping your skin clean is important, dirt and sebum accumulations can cause an increased amount of acne but here it is important to mention that our skin can only take a small amount chemicals, it can harmful for the skin if you keep cleaning the skin, this causes your skin to become dry and injured and does not help the acne in anyway. It is also better not to clean your face with towels but instead it advised that you should pat your face dry or use a napkin.
1. Toothpaste helps get rid of acne:
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Toothpaste does no such thing. Toothpaste contains a host of different chemicals such as baking soda, essential oils, hydrogen peroxide, menthol, and triclosan which can certainly dry acne but can also cause irritations and rashes. Using toothpaste on your acne can also lead to ever lasting scars. It is important to know that popping pimples can end in scars as well, as it manages to releases all the dead material on to the skin surrounding it and the bacteria on you hands can infect the already injured area of skin.
What really helps acne, and how can I cure it once and for all?
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Acne is a genetically influenced trait and it can’t simply be cured using toothpastes and eating a low sugar containing diet, it is a real disease should be treated like one. The sad truth is that it can’t be completely cured but does end at a point in your life usually in the mid twenties, but the good news is that several medications are available that help suppress and can help you clear it as long as you continue using these advised medications, if your experiencing acne problems you should visit a dermatologist as soon as you can and start a treatment for it.
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Article by: Born Realist