Depression is weaved in our society forcefully because of our routines. Most of the people are suffering from depression. Depression is interrupting our lives for ages but only recent researches shows how depression can affect a person’s life. According to research chemical imbalance in brain becomes the root cause of depression. The diagnosis can be easily done based on few symptoms but the treatment is a fairly difficult process. Doctor’s prescribe medicines to cure depression but these medicines makes your life even harder. You start relying on medicine for your everyday life and the minute you leave your medication, depression rises again. Prescribed medication is just a temporary instant solution, not a long term one. This does not mean at all that prescribed medicines are not worth it. They are important to feel better and live a normal routine life but they are definitely not the permanent solution. It is definitely not the cure that one should look up to. In most cases patient ends up being completely dependent on medicine but these medicine have side effects that can cause serious trouble, like serotonin syndrome and brain zaps. In some cases it becomes so difficult that patient ends up with increased dosage. There are some options beside medication that can help you get rid of depression but the process is slow. These solutions are actually the healthier option as they do not affect your physical health and help improve your mental health. However this should be kept in mind that every patient is different from each other and things that work on one might not work on other. Born Realist has found a way to help you get rid of your depression and find happiness. Keep yourself engaged in the following activities and soon you’ll find happiness in your life.
6. Dancing:
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Dancing is the ultimate physical activity that will cheer you up more than any other such activity. You don’t really need to know any dance steps or learn to dance. Just move your body to the music and follow the beat going with the flow. This is the best stress reliever as it releases hormones in your body that are responsible for making you happy and cheerful person. The entire process of moving with the beat and flowing with music is therapeutic. This therapy is used to cure many more mental health diseases as the movement to the beat cheer up people of every age. This therapy is really famous for treating Parkinson’s as well.
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5. Exercising:
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Exercising releases endorphins that are the biggest stress relieving hormones. Exercising doesn’t only affect you physically but mentally as well, getting all your stress out. Exercising is always said to be beneficial for a reason, it helps in improving cardiovascular activities. It also helps in stimulation new brain cells growth known as neurogenesis. Through exercising you exert pressure on your body that put your muscles to ease, pulling out all the anger and stress that has been building up depression inside you.
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4. Traveling:
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Traveling doesn’t really mean going to exotic locations and travel in luxurious style for a long trip. Our everyday life doesn’t allow us to take long vacations for a trip. Maybe just pack your bags for the weekend and travel to a nearby place where you can go on a journey to discover the world around you and in doing so you might even find yourself. Go out and see what the world around you is like, have new experiences leading to self-discovery. It would cure your depression if you leave all the things that have been building up in your mind and start a new journey of loving yourself. For your past and start enjoying little things in your life.
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3. Care For An Animal
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Image Credit: Shutterstock
Caring for animals is therapeutic. If you don’t have a pet then adopt one. Pets always love and care for those who provide for them. They know that you care for them and in return they get attached with you. Pets have healing powers, their one small act can put a smile on any one’s face. They are affectionate and will be the same towards you. Pets kind of know when there owner is sad or upset they’ll let you cuddle with them and play with them if they feel like you are down. Caring for them would make you feel important and wanted and instantly make you a happier person
2. Change Your Lifestyle:
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Image Credit: Shutterstock
From our daily routine we are exhausted due to which we hardly enjoy our life. When you don’t have something new to do every day, and keep on following the same routine, you eventually suppress all your emotions turning into a robot. This can cause severe depression. If you have problems like irregular sleep routine or eating disorders, then it’s time to turn your life around and adopt a healthier lifestyle. Your physical and mental health is connected, if you are physically healthy you will be mentally healthy and if you are mentally healthy you will be physically healthy. Meditate, exercise, get 6 hours of sleep, avoid canned or processed food, and take more vitamins to turn around your lifestyle.
1. Find Things That Makes You Happy:
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Image Credit: Shutterstock
Depression cannot be treated in a short period of time. It is a long process with sometimes improved good results and sometimes leading you back to the start. To get rid of depression you need to be patient and most importantly have the will power to fight and stay strong. You have to stick to the healthy habits, cooperate with your doctor. These treatments does not mean that you stop getting treatment from the doctor. With prescriptions prescribed by the doctor will help you to get better. You need to find things that makes you happy it might be something as small as humming you, music or singing out loud. Making dinner, going to the beach or just listening to music. These small activities will actually make your life better and depression can be cured easily.
Find your will power, stay strong and fight off the depression. At the end of the day only you can get rid of it. Be a warrior who never loses and hope and fights like there’s no going back. You can do it, chin up, shoulders straight and you are ready for a face-off with depression
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Article by Born Realist