Each work environment has its uniqueness, advantages, and problems. When problems occur in the work environment, everyone involved should understand how to deal with the problems professionally to prevent a conflict that can result in a decrease of work performance.
A professional attitude shows that you are able to deal with problems without having to drag them into work. This is useful so that work productivity is not disrupted by problems that should be dealt with effectively.
The Importance of Problem-Solving in The Professional World
The ability to do problem-solving is important to have in the professional world. This ability is also closely related to other soft skills such as listening, communicating, teamwork, and decision-making skills. When you’re at work and faced with a problem, you certainly can’t just run away. You need to face it with a logical and realistic approach. In short, the ability to solve problems is important because, in the everyday work situation, various kinds of problems will arise so people who can solve them well are needed.
What Are The Common Problems Often Found in Professional Setting?
Conflicts in the world of work are common, for example, personal problems between employees, unhealthy work competition, dirty office problems due to lack of commercial cleaner, conflict with superiors, miscommunication between teams, bullying, heavy workload, no room to grow within the company, and so many others.
Everyone’s problems in the professional setting may vary because various factors can influence them. Even though sometimes problems are personal if they are not quickly resolved, these problems will affect self-performance and team performance.
After knowing the common problems that usually occur in the workplace, it is important to also learn how to deal with them. Here are some problems that are critical and often occur in the office setting, and how to overcome them.
1. Bullying or discrimination
Bullying not only happens among school peers, but it can also take place in a professional setting. When you are a victim of bullying, no matter what stage you are – it can definitely affect your mental health.
Thus, the first thing you need to do when you experience this problem is to make a personal note. Write down everything that happened to you in detail. Include when and how often the event occurred. Some people can bully without realizing it. They may not know that their actions cause discomfort. Try to convey what you feel so they understand your point of view. You should also submit a complaint to your team leader or HR team – so they can help find the right solution.
As an employee, you have the right to file complaints about problems that occur in the office. However, make sure you understand the procedure for filing a complaint that applies to the company where you work.
2. Heavy workload increase
If the workload increases drastically beyond your means, you may need to discuss this matter with your boss. Invite your boss to hold a meeting when he is not busy or in a hurry. Explain that you are facing difficulties in completing the increased workload. Give reasons and solutions that you want to offer. For example, sharing one of the tasks with your co-workers, hiring new juniors, etc.
3. The job does not match the position you are applying for
If the problem is because the job is not suitable for the position you are applying for, try to convey it to your boss immediately. Make sure you use a calm and collaborative tone of voice, not one that creates the impression that you are complaining. If successful, your boss may give you tasks that are more suited to your position. However, you don’t need to be disappointed if your boss says otherwise. This can still help you determine future steps regarding your current job, whether you want to stay for some time to learn and enrich your knowledge or leave because you don’t think it’s fitting with your current work profile. Whatever your choice is, it will be alright.
4. Conflict with co-workers
Put your ego aside so conflicts with co-workers can be resolved. Because conflict with co-workers can affect work, thus you should try to be professional at all times. Remember that you don’t always have to win the conflict. What’s best is finding the right solution for all.
5. Get a bad job appraisal
All your work is always smooth and you’ve got no complaints – but suddenly you get a bad appraisal and low KPIs? Don’t panic, you can calmly follow-it-up to your superiors and ask about everything related to the assessment. Assessments that do not match expectations can show various evaluations that you were not aware of before. Try to review every input and criticism you get, then determine steps to improve it.
6. No room to grow
As an employee, it’s only natural if you want to make progress in your career. But sometimes there are times when you are faced with a situation where the company does not allow you to grow and develop your career. It could be because the company is relatively small or is currently entering a stagnant phase so it cannot provide promotions for employees.
Due to this, you may also easily lose work motivation. But don’t make this an excuse for you to be lazy and not work properly. The way to deal with this work problem is to keep looking for challenges. Try looking for new projects at your workplace or volunteering at an NGO. By doing this you can continue to learn and add new skills. However, if this method doesn’t work, then maybe you should consider starting to look for a new job.
Those are some common problems that you may encounter in the workplace along with ways to deal with it. Office problems can come from social interactions or work itself. If allowed to drag on, the impact will affect communication, social and professional relations, as well as the performance of employees involved in the problem. Thus knowing how to efficiently solve problems is very important!
Article by Born Realist