10. An Old Man Lived in the Village:
Image Credits: iStock
9. The Wise Man:
Image Credits: iStock
8. Having a Best Friend:

7. The Greedy Lion:

6. Two Friends and the Bear:
Image Credits: iStock
5. The Fox and the Grapes:
Image Credits: Getty Images
4. The Midas Touch:
Image Credits: Shutterstock
In antiquated Greek, there was a lord named Midas. He had a considerable measure of gold and all that he required. He additionally had a wonderful little girl. Midas cherished his gold, in particular, however, he adored his girl more than his wealth. One day, a satyr named Silenus got alcoholic and go out in Midas’ rose garden. Silenus is a companion of Dionysus, the divine force of wine and festivity. After taking in Midas’ generosity towards his companion, Dionysus chooses to compensate the barrel. At the point when approached to wish for something, Midas says “I wish all that I touch swings to gold”. In spite of the fact that Dionysus knew it was not an awesome though, he conceded Midas his desire. He touched a new apple and it eventually turned into an apple of gold. His subjects were shocked yet cheerful to see such a great amount of gold in the royal residence. In his bliss, Midas went and embraced his little girl, and before he understood, he transformed her into an inert, brilliant statue. He went back to the garden and asked the god to take away his energy and spare his little girl. Midas took in his lesson and carried on with whatever remains of his life battling with what he had. Moral: Do not get voracious.
3. The Brilliant Egg:
Image Credits: iStock
Some time ago, a rancher had a goose that laid a brilliant egg each day. The egg gave enough cash to the rancher and his better half for their everyday needs. The rancher and his significant other were upbeat for quite a while. Be that as it may, one day, the rancher got a thought and figured, “For what reason would it be advisable for me to take only one egg a day? For what reason wouldn’t I be able to take every one of them without a moment’s delay and profit?” The stupid agriculturist’s better half additionally concurred and chose to cut the goose’s stomach for the eggs. When they slaughtered the fledgling and opened the goose’s stomach, to discover only guts and blood. The rancher, understanding his stupid oversight, cries over the lost asset. Moral: Think before you do something.
2. The Tortoise And The Bird:
Image Credits: Shutterstock
A tortoise was taking resting under a tree, which was the house of a bird. The tortoise addressed the winged animal mockingly, “What a ratty home you have. What is more terrible is that you needed to manufacture it yourself. I think my home, which is my shell, is greatly improved than your lamentable home”. “Indeed, it is made of broken sticks, looks pitiful and is available to the components of nature. It is rough, yet I assembled it, and I like it.” “I get it’s much the same as some other home, however not superior to anything mine”, said the tortoise. “You should be desirous of my shell, however.” “Despite what might be expected”, the winged creature answered. Perhaps you have a superior house. Be that as it may, I have a superior home, said the feathered creature cheerfully. Moral: Better a swarmed cabin than a forlorn manner.
1. Clever Thief:
Image Credits: Shutterstock
Devan was a sharp cheat. He ransacked the rich and offered all to the wiped out and the destitute. Alternate criminals were envious of him. They intended to disclose him. They tested to take the King’s Pajamas. Deven acknowledged the test. After that, he arranged to execute the new test. He outlined an arrangement to take the King. He set himself up rationally to do an arrangement. He went to the King’s Palace. He found the King resting. He opened a jug of red ants on the bed. The King was severely chomped. He wept for help. The workers surged in. They put on a show to search for ants. Deven expelled the King’s Pajamas and got away. Different criminals were dump established. They acknowledged Deven their pioneer. Moral Lesson: Always be smart.